Broad terms, such as three of the four of those that you called out from President Trump's speech -- "faith", "democracy", and "freedom" -- can (and usually do) represent moral Christian virtues. Generally speaking, wealth is one of the signs of God's blessing and enables us to care for our families; it is a reward for hard work for thos…
Broad terms, such as three of the four of those that you called out from President Trump's speech -- "faith", "democracy", and "freedom" -- can (and usually do) represent moral Christian virtues. Generally speaking, wealth is one of the signs of God's blessing and enables us to care for our families; it is a reward for hard work for those of us blessed to live in the United States, so it is arguable that there is nothing immoral about people desiring this kind of financial security for their families and being grateful for living in a country where there is ample opportunity to attain this.
Regarding the concern you mentioned about ESL students on a student visa -- those who are here legally -- there have only been warnings about deporting those with student visas who are breaking the law and who pose a threat to other students (such as protestors who have interrupted college classes to give antisemitic messages, and accosted Jewish students to the extent they cannot travel freely to and from class and their lodging). We are seeing this happening on some campuses across the country, and this is morally wrong.
If one reads the particular words of the executive order pertaining to student visas, there is no threat to deport people who are here legally, from countries that provide sufficient security vetting and information to ensure they do not mean harm to our country and intend to abide by our laws while here on visa. The executive order gives DHS the ability to review these visas to ensure they are compliant with immigration standards that were in place prior to the Biden administration. While I understand and have empathy for anyone who is here on a student visa and who is uncertain of their status, there has been nothing done or said that should give them particular concern. (Here is the executive order summary and actual text:
I understand all the changes being enacted make people nervous, but I do not think the American people, nor the President they elected by a solid majority, want to throw out immigrants who are here legally, and who wish to benefit from our faith, freedom, and democracy (virtues all) and who wish to contribute to our society and support it. I anticipate the only "distress in the streets" should be from those who came here the wrong way, under a wrong-headed president, and who have overwhelmed our country over the last four years. We are no longer safe because of this unrestricted, un-vetted surge of people. I desire safety for our citizens and control of our border. God puts government officials in place to ensure order over chaos. The devil works in the midst of chaos and dissension -- I have had enough of that.
The first actions being taken are to break up gangs of criminals who are here illegally, and return them to their home countries for justice. It does NOT appear the administration's first priority is to send students with lawful visas home.
I pray that Christians will put on love (Colossians 3:14) over all else, but not to the extent that it places innocent people in jeopardy. Financial instability, insecurity, and disorder hurts innocent people. There have been many of these hurt by violence in our country, crying in the streets over the last four years.
Thank you for calling attention to Psalm 144. I read it as a king's plea for help against foreigners "whose mouths are full of lies, and whose right hands are deceitful." The call is to provide security to the people of his country, so there can be prosperity and flourishing. David, the king, is asking for success in his efforts to keep his people safe, so his people's flocks can increase (wealth) among other benefits. David, a king after God's own heart, has a virtuous desire to do this for his people. Trump's immigration policies seek to enact the same kind of security, and I am grateful for it.
Glad to have you share here, Kim! We have some disagreements, and it's good to be able to discuss them!
These particular students don't have student visas but provisional asylum status, which an administrative memo appears to indicate that such status is being rescinded.
Wealth, I would argue, is a national idolatry, not a sure divine blessing. In fact as a "wealthy" person by any measure, I'm quite frightened by the cautions given in Scripture regarding money and its deceit. I fear this is true nationally, that we unthinkingly consider prosperity our greatest reigning value. I don't think that will guide us well, morally or spiritually.
Freedom: in a Christian framework, this really should be considered as freedom for and freedom from. Freedom from persecution is a freedom we must value - which is why we need to protect the Refugee Resettlement program. Just one of the important quibbles with the administration's current policies.
Thank you for sharing these thoughts, and welcoming mine. As fellow Christians, I believe we agree in the Spirit, but may not be connecting on where our political concerns lie. I am not familiar with the administrative memo to which you refer, but would be interested to see what it says. As I said, I am sympathetic to anyone who is here provisionally (to study). I am unsure how the change in immigration control policies may affect them. Things are changing daily (even hourly), no doubt.
I agree (of course) with what Apostle Paul said about the dangers of the LOVE OF money; and our nation (as one of the wealthiest on earth) is particularly susceptible to a single-minded pursuit of it. We are in an age of rampant materialism, and that is idolatry. This is a temptation in any culture, and any age; the more wealth, the greater the temptation. We are NOT a Christian nation, but the Church is still present and fighting in the USA. The devil uses every weapon at his disposal to stop her, and greed is at the top of his tool kit. I embrace your caution about the danger of the love of money.
My main point is that prosperity (wealth, or whatever one may call it), in and of itself, is not evil. There are many examples of God blessing people with prosperity in the Bible, so that they may bless others, and so their families may prosper and we may extend our families' tents:
“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes." (Isaiah 54:2)
We also extend God's blessing, by opening our tent flaps, by welcoming the stranger and the foreigner. (Matthew 25:35)
As I stated, prosperity "is one of the signs" of God's blessing, but it is not always a sign, nor is it the only one. I started with "generally speaking," but was not saying that our nation's wealth is a sign of God's blessing. God has blessed us, not because we deserve it, but in spite of our national failures. I was speaking about individuals being blessed with financial security and how this blesses the family structure. A husband and wife should seek this as a goal to give their children the necessary things to ensure their security and well-being. If God blesses us beyond what we need, we are to share with others and take care of the widow and the orphan. This is my understanding of the proper role of "wealth" for Christians.
Not one time have I ever seen Jen call out abortion as wrong. Not one time has she ever rebuked a Democrat for their support of homosexuality- nor has she ever condemned any of those sins- not even the isexual mutilation of minors. Not one time has she decried the religious persecution enacted under Biden.
Jen is a Democrat. She votes like one and talks like one.
She is living in a made up fear - a made up possibility- it’s nitIf a president chooses to rebuke a legal status then it’s time for people to go home. That’s not nefarious or even wrong or immoral- in the mean time we are definitely supposed to feed and clothe the resident alien among us- legal or illegal. Christian’s shouldn’t be reporting people- but feeding them.
Broad terms, such as three of the four of those that you called out from President Trump's speech -- "faith", "democracy", and "freedom" -- can (and usually do) represent moral Christian virtues. Generally speaking, wealth is one of the signs of God's blessing and enables us to care for our families; it is a reward for hard work for those of us blessed to live in the United States, so it is arguable that there is nothing immoral about people desiring this kind of financial security for their families and being grateful for living in a country where there is ample opportunity to attain this.
Regarding the concern you mentioned about ESL students on a student visa -- those who are here legally -- there have only been warnings about deporting those with student visas who are breaking the law and who pose a threat to other students (such as protestors who have interrupted college classes to give antisemitic messages, and accosted Jewish students to the extent they cannot travel freely to and from class and their lodging). We are seeing this happening on some campuses across the country, and this is morally wrong.
If one reads the particular words of the executive order pertaining to student visas, there is no threat to deport people who are here legally, from countries that provide sufficient security vetting and information to ensure they do not mean harm to our country and intend to abide by our laws while here on visa. The executive order gives DHS the ability to review these visas to ensure they are compliant with immigration standards that were in place prior to the Biden administration. While I understand and have empathy for anyone who is here on a student visa and who is uncertain of their status, there has been nothing done or said that should give them particular concern. (Here is the executive order summary and actual text:
I understand all the changes being enacted make people nervous, but I do not think the American people, nor the President they elected by a solid majority, want to throw out immigrants who are here legally, and who wish to benefit from our faith, freedom, and democracy (virtues all) and who wish to contribute to our society and support it. I anticipate the only "distress in the streets" should be from those who came here the wrong way, under a wrong-headed president, and who have overwhelmed our country over the last four years. We are no longer safe because of this unrestricted, un-vetted surge of people. I desire safety for our citizens and control of our border. God puts government officials in place to ensure order over chaos. The devil works in the midst of chaos and dissension -- I have had enough of that.
The first actions being taken are to break up gangs of criminals who are here illegally, and return them to their home countries for justice. It does NOT appear the administration's first priority is to send students with lawful visas home.
I pray that Christians will put on love (Colossians 3:14) over all else, but not to the extent that it places innocent people in jeopardy. Financial instability, insecurity, and disorder hurts innocent people. There have been many of these hurt by violence in our country, crying in the streets over the last four years.
Thank you for calling attention to Psalm 144. I read it as a king's plea for help against foreigners "whose mouths are full of lies, and whose right hands are deceitful." The call is to provide security to the people of his country, so there can be prosperity and flourishing. David, the king, is asking for success in his efforts to keep his people safe, so his people's flocks can increase (wealth) among other benefits. David, a king after God's own heart, has a virtuous desire to do this for his people. Trump's immigration policies seek to enact the same kind of security, and I am grateful for it.
Glad to have you share here, Kim! We have some disagreements, and it's good to be able to discuss them!
These particular students don't have student visas but provisional asylum status, which an administrative memo appears to indicate that such status is being rescinded.
Wealth, I would argue, is a national idolatry, not a sure divine blessing. In fact as a "wealthy" person by any measure, I'm quite frightened by the cautions given in Scripture regarding money and its deceit. I fear this is true nationally, that we unthinkingly consider prosperity our greatest reigning value. I don't think that will guide us well, morally or spiritually.
I'm interested to hear people recently talk of democracy as only working when it's informed by Christian values, and though I haven't listened to this interview, it piqued my interest. I hope to return to it.
Freedom: in a Christian framework, this really should be considered as freedom for and freedom from. Freedom from persecution is a freedom we must value - which is why we need to protect the Refugee Resettlement program. Just one of the important quibbles with the administration's current policies.
Your opinion is welcome here, Kim!
Thank you for sharing these thoughts, and welcoming mine. As fellow Christians, I believe we agree in the Spirit, but may not be connecting on where our political concerns lie. I am not familiar with the administrative memo to which you refer, but would be interested to see what it says. As I said, I am sympathetic to anyone who is here provisionally (to study). I am unsure how the change in immigration control policies may affect them. Things are changing daily (even hourly), no doubt.
I agree (of course) with what Apostle Paul said about the dangers of the LOVE OF money; and our nation (as one of the wealthiest on earth) is particularly susceptible to a single-minded pursuit of it. We are in an age of rampant materialism, and that is idolatry. This is a temptation in any culture, and any age; the more wealth, the greater the temptation. We are NOT a Christian nation, but the Church is still present and fighting in the USA. The devil uses every weapon at his disposal to stop her, and greed is at the top of his tool kit. I embrace your caution about the danger of the love of money.
My main point is that prosperity (wealth, or whatever one may call it), in and of itself, is not evil. There are many examples of God blessing people with prosperity in the Bible, so that they may bless others, and so their families may prosper and we may extend our families' tents:
“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes." (Isaiah 54:2)
We also extend God's blessing, by opening our tent flaps, by welcoming the stranger and the foreigner. (Matthew 25:35)
As I stated, prosperity "is one of the signs" of God's blessing, but it is not always a sign, nor is it the only one. I started with "generally speaking," but was not saying that our nation's wealth is a sign of God's blessing. God has blessed us, not because we deserve it, but in spite of our national failures. I was speaking about individuals being blessed with financial security and how this blesses the family structure. A husband and wife should seek this as a goal to give their children the necessary things to ensure their security and well-being. If God blesses us beyond what we need, we are to share with others and take care of the widow and the orphan. This is my understanding of the proper role of "wealth" for Christians.
Not one time have I ever seen Jen call out abortion as wrong. Not one time has she ever rebuked a Democrat for their support of homosexuality- nor has she ever condemned any of those sins- not even the isexual mutilation of minors. Not one time has she decried the religious persecution enacted under Biden.
Jen is a Democrat. She votes like one and talks like one.
She is living in a made up fear - a made up possibility- it’s nitIf a president chooses to rebuke a legal status then it’s time for people to go home. That’s not nefarious or even wrong or immoral- in the mean time we are definitely supposed to feed and clothe the resident alien among us- legal or illegal. Christian’s shouldn’t be reporting people- but feeding them.
Berry, I am neither a registered Republican nor a registered Democrat.
I'd encourage you to make this a place of charitable disagreement. I do reserve the right to delete comments that do not appear well-intentioned.
Here is public writing I've done on abortion. Given that I've been publicly writing since 2012, it's safe to say that I've written about quite a lot.
Amen, Kimberly!!👏🙏