Honestly, I'd love to hear your longer form thoughts on it. If you have time to give to it! I think you'd have some good insight and could talk about it graciously =)
Honestly, I'd love to hear your longer form thoughts on it. If you have time to give to it! I think you'd have some good insight and could talk about it graciously =)
Honestly, I'd love to hear your longer form thoughts on it. If you have time to give to it! I think you'd have some good insight and could talk about it graciously =)
Maybe next week’s letter!
I smell a new letter series 😉
Oooo, that's an idea!
I would pay good money to read y’all writing letters to each other in conversation about ANYTHING, but definitely about writing and publishing.
That actually sounds like a lot of fun =)
Would def read that!
Yes, I was intrigued as well...