And your relationship with your mom is a continual encouragement and challenge to me and Mike. Your example is a gift to your community, both here and in Cincy.

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Thanks, Abby. That really means a lot!

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Who among us has not experienced Bible study workbook allergy? ha! I will say add that good workbooks have been such a gift in seasons where brainpower is in short supply but there's a desire to study, and they have helped amend my own blindspots when studying a text.

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I agree wholeheartedly!

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Sep 23Liked by Jen Pollock Michel

Thank you for sharing your moments with your mother. I’m in a similar place with my mom. I’ve learned presence means more than anything. I used to be the one straightening up her place, always doing something when I was with her. I’ve learned to just sit with her, watch Reba on tv, or tell her funny stories about our dogs latest antics are what makes her smile & be peaceful.

And thank you for diagnosing my allergy! I love studying the Bible but in my own way. I’ve purchased the Illuminated Scripture Journals of most of the books in the Bible. Give me a couple of good commentaries and a cup of coffee and I’m off.

Love your writing. May God bless your day with love and light.

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Kim, glad you're finding resonance between our experiences of caregiving! Thanks for reading here!

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I think of you often as I am also walking closely with my mom in this difficult season. Different, but same nuances needing grace. Sharing your journey through your writing and ROL ministers greatly to me. Also, I resonate deeply with allergy to bible studies now, but for a season they served a purpose to keep me in the Word. I appreciate your writing so much Jen!

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Yes, always needing the Holy Spirit and his grace!

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Oh Jen I am so glad you said something about Bible Study workbooks! Last night I counted how many times the word Ark was used in Joshua chapter 3 & 4!! I have a challenging relationship with Bible study. Like you and perhaps many other Enneagram 1’s I prefer to be left alone to figure it out for myself. I enjoy listening to scripture or reading it aloud to myself and really do not enjoy circle discussions. But I still go, because I know the rhythm is good for me and I can learn from others and I need the church. I also appreciate you doing this with your mother during a season in her life when things are complex. I pray God helps you both grow and learn something beautiful during this season.

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Thank you for your prayers, Sherene!

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I’m moved by your relationship with your mom—but grieved for you that she sometimes forgets your name.

I need to check out that Lectio app.

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It's good!

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Oh I’m like you. I hate fill in the blanks. I didn’t use them to teach in public school either. We learned through open ended questions. Discussion.

My Bible studying uses a method God taught me. SIMPLE. I use that method almost exclusively.

I also like to draw or see behind the scenes.

I love how you are spending time with your Mom. I led mine to know Jesus and we attended Bible studies together. She learned to read her Bible.

Blessings to you on your journey.

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Thank you for your encouragement!

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Sep 23Liked by Jen Pollock Michel

It always amuses me when God shows up in my inbox like this… I’ve had a beautiful quiet space to grow spiritually over the last year or so, and had plans to build my little private ‘monastery’ and rule of life —and my job changed. Now I’m traveling a lot and SO BUSY. I’m delighted but don’t want to lose this interior space to pray and worship… and here are resources and inspiration! Thank you.

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I'm so glad!

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Thank you for sharing this! I've felt much the same way about Bible Study workbooks. I've often said they tend to suck the joy out of Bible study for me — I like doing the hard work of wrestling with the text on my own before consulting trustworthy commentaries. I've recently started creating my own "workbooks" for the Bible studies I've been leading. My goal is to help women study and discover the text for themselves rather than leading them to a particular answer by asking closed-ended questions. I recently questioned whether these workbooks were worth the effort and whether it would be better to buy a study with already created workbooks. But God used your post to affirm for me that I'm not the only one who doesn't love Bible study workbooks and that my work and contribution to the small group of women he has entrusted me to teach is good and valuable. So thank you!

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Ah, I’d love to hear your thoughts on Jennings’ Acts commentary when you’re done. I read it a few years ago and I still think about it whenever my Bible reading takes me to Acts.

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